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1. Electrochemistry at Liquid-Lidid Interfaces2012
2. The role of nanoparticles in electrochemistry2012
3. Data Warehouse Design for Climate Change Prediction in Republic of Macedonia2012
4. Social Networks as a Research Infrastructure2012
5. Recikliranje II2012
6. Рециклирање на огноотпорни материјали2012
7. Најдобри достапни технологии2012
8. Зелена хемија и чисти технологии2012
9. Eko kompozitne materijale2012
10. Conditions of the Musical tradition in R.Macedonia2012
11. Mine drainage treatment2012
12. Teaching Tips for BEC Vantage2012
13. Ewing sarcoma2012
14. Corpus evidence for the acquisition of modal verbs of obligation by Macedonian learners of English 2012
15. Вклучување на студентите во процесот на учење: работни групи и студиски тимови2012
16. Student inclusion in the study process at the Faculty of Medical Sciences - Stip, Macedonia2012
17. Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia – Review of literature and own cases report2012
18. Потенцијали за развој на екохотели во Дојран2012
19. Управување со цврст отпад2012
20. Заштита на воздухот2012
21. Analysis of phisochemical properties of disinfectant solutions in relation to their activity2012
22. Dental therapeutic interventions with little animals: case report 2012
23. The influence of antibiotic prophylaxis and postoperative complications in local adaptation after minor surgery2012
24. Use of local hemostatic modalities in oral anticoagulant dental patients2012
25. New oral anticoagulants - newest update in dental medicine2012
26. Use of commercial sodium hypochlorite solutions for root canal irrigation in respect to the quality of the products2012
27. Orthodontic – prosthetic treatment of adult patients with forced2012
28. Evaluation of antibiotic prophylaxis and postoperative complications after impacted third molar surgery2012
29. Analysis of phisochemical properties of disinfectant solutions in relation to their activity2012
30. Use of antifibrinolytic mouthwash solution in anticoagulated oral surgery patients2012
31. Treatment modalities of palatal impacted canines2012
32. Transmigration of impacted canines: Prevalence, management and implications2012
33. Cognitive and behavioral disorders in neurorehabilitation2012
34. Македонската правна и институционална рамка за заштита од дискриминација во Македонија2012
35. Hate speech and ethnic discrimination with special focus on social media2012
36. Presentation: Free access to public information - more transparency, less corruption: The case of Republic of Macedonia 2012
37. Предлог решение за имплементирање на информационо управувачки систем во општина Дојран2012
38. Улогата на дискурсните маркери при обликување на говорните чинови во македонскиот јазик: за дискурсниот маркер па (The role of discourse markers in framing speech acts in Macedonian: the case of па)2012
39. Coma in patients with stroke2012
40. Symptomatic epilepsy in Stuge-Weber syndrome associated with metabolic disbilance: case report2012
41. Software Tools for Learning “Computer Security” Course2012
42. Heavy metals in the surrounding water and sediments of tailing dam of Sasa mine2011
43. Учење преку соработка на Факултетот за медицински науки – Штип: работни групи и студиски тимови2011
44. Risk assessment of tailings facility dam failure2011
45. Нови пристапи во денталната медицина и клиничката пракса кај орално антикоагулирани пациенти2011
46. Постојни и перспективни извори за енергија и преработка на комунален отпад2011
47. Тековни предизвици и современи решенија при управување со опасен отпад во РМ2011
48. Antiseptic activity of disinfectant solutions in relation to their physicochemical properties2011
49. Management of bone defects with Bio-oss2011
50. Oral surgical and orthodontic management of impacted maxillary canines2011
51. Antimicrobial chemotherapy in dental practice2011
52. Introduction of the European Language Portfolio in secondary school language instruction2011
53. Lifelong Learning in the field of the sustainable technologies2011
54. It For Non It Students--Effective Learning Through Blended Course2011
55. Introduction of ICT in the teaching process - a successful story of The High School "Dobri Daskalov" from Kavadarci2011
56. Implementation of E–Learning on UGD through Basics of ICT Course2011
57. New inovation and improvments in lead and conc. For selective flotation for lead-zink mine Sasa2011
58. New performance and decesion for recycling technical water from tailing pond in the Bucim copper mine2011
59. Золедронска киселина во превенција, одложување и намалување на скелетните компликации кај карцином на простата 2011
60. E-learning in Higher Education through E-learning center2011
61. The Impact of Tailing Dam of Sasa Mine on the Quality of the Surrounding Water2011
62. New aspects into the chemistry of Coenzyme Q10 (Calcium binding and transport)2010
63. Integrating ICT in Teachers Education - Case study at "Goce Delcev" University2010
64. Просторно-популациски обележја на планинските населби во функција за развој на туризмot во Република Македонија 2010
65. Современ стоматолошки концепт во третманот на тромботични пациенти2010
66. Протетска хиперплазија2010
67. Менаџирање на цврстиот отпад oд текстилната индустрија во Р. Македонија2010
68. Влијание на стратегијата за управување со отпад на Република Македонија (2008-2020 година) врз текстилната индустрија2010
69. The development of textile industries in R. Macedonia and the need for education in sustainable technologies 2010
70. Screening and analyzing the status of knowledge in industry concerning sustainability and formulation the first course scheme2010
71. The memory and the reconstruction of postcolonial identities: Toni Morrison`s novel Beloved2009
72. What is the role of teachers in education of gifted and talented?2009
73. How to strength teacher’s abilities for permanently using ICT in the teaching process? 2009
74. Превентивната здравствена заштита во Република Македонија2009
75. NaSHA2009
76. Novel FUnctions of Coenzyme Q102009
77. Epulis fissuratum - приказ на случаи2008
78. Referentne cene lekova2008
79. Multiethnic Coexistence in the Balkans: Conditions for Building Substantial Peace2008
80. Voltammetry-Principles and Applications2008
81. Developing Learning Content Management Systems Based on Learning Objects-- Issues and Opportunities2007
82. Production and Characterization of Kenaf Fibers / PP Composites2007
83. Processing of PLA/RS and PLA/Kenaf pellets into composite panels2006
84. Processing of PLA/RS and PLA/Kenaf pellets into composite panels2006
85. Creating Localized Repository Of Digital Tools And Resources2006
86. Influence of temperature changes on micromarginal gap 2005
87. International normalized ratio in extractive dental surgery in patients treated with oral anticoagulants2005
88. Electrochemistry at three-phase electrodes2005
89. Normalized Correlation Coefficients for Searching JPEG Images2002
90. Објектно ориентиран модел на информационен систем за проектирање, градба и експлоатација на тунели1993